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Olive Tree Charitable Trust

Purpose and History of the Trust:

The Olive Tree Charitable Trust was established in 1991 with proceeds gifted by residents who privately owned their villas upon the sale of the retirement village located at Dalwood Grove in Highbury.

Trustees meet bi-monthly to review trust finance and investment portfolios; evaluate funding applications and accountability reports, receive emails and other correspondence.

Appointed trustees have a wide range of governance experience as past and present representatives from local government, religious, community, and service organisations.

Income from trust investments is available each year for distribution as grants and donations that meet the charitable aims of the Trust.

Trust Aims:

The Trust aims to promote, encourage, and support the relief of poverty, the advancement of education, religion, and for other charitable purposes, in accordance with the law of New Zealand, and beneficial to the Palmerston North and Manawatū communities.

Grants and Donations:

The Olive Tree Charitable Trust, a small trust, has over the years distributed in excess of $1.5 million to help fund a wide variety of events, projects, individuals, groups and organisations. All funding requests are considered against the aims of the Trust and its funding criteria. Funding requests are evaluated on their merit, the need of those who benefit, and how well the applications aligns with the Trust’s community-focused aims.
The amount available annually for donations is limited, with investment returns varying from year to year, the Trust is not always in a position to fund all funding requests, no matter how worthy, and these have to be prioritised against other requests.

Download Application Guidelines

Accountability Reports:

These reports are a condition of receiving a non-taxable grant or donation from the Trust. Each recipient, you or your organisation, is required to submit a report to the Trust Secretary upon project completion, or annually, as part of financial accountability and transparency processes which apply to both recipients and the Trust, as donor and charitable organisation.
The required accountability report should relate to a specific project or event, as detailed in your grant application, or as subject to conditions specified by the Trust. It is simply a brief report or update on the project outcomes.

Download Accountability Report Guidelines

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